Current Work:
And Nothing Else
Generator Projects, 25/26 Mid Wynd Industrial Estate
July 10-17 2021 12pm-5pm
AND NOTHING ELSE is a collaborative installation by artists Maria Tolia and Amos Newton. The white walls of the gallery transformed into a fully immersive environment. Dark and light, night and day, moon and sun. Celebrating the simple and tactile through colour, rhythm, pattern and repetition; a space that we hope does not dictate any specific narrative, but rather, in a sort of childlike way, one can experience its enjoyment and wonder. Come visit the show and bask in the liveliness of a single colour.
Theatre Midnight
Commissioned work for generator projects. A lockdown adventure by Maria Tolia and Amos Newton into stop motion, puppets and some surprising noises in the night!
Plans (Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2019)
Sofi's Southside, 42 - 44 Buccleuch Street
Upstairs: AUG 1-13, 15-20, 22-25 at 14:30 (60 min) - Free